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HLCR Newsletter January 2025

Adoptable dogs in Marble Falls, Texas

Hopper Happy Maverick Koda Boone Hydro Anakin

Year End Progress Report

Though 2024 brought its share of hope and heartbreak, one constant remained: our unwavering love for dogs and the boundless joy they bring into our lives every day. To everyone who donated, adopted, volunteered, shared our posts and spread the word about our incredible pups — thank you. Your compassion and dedication have made all the difference in the lives of the amazing dogs in our care.

Small Rescue, Big Impact

• Treated 8 dogs for heartworms

• Provided 10 essential surgeries from mass removal to amputation

• Provided 6 dogs dental surgeries or teeth cleanings 

• Treated 31 dogs for skin conditions such as mange, allergies and flea dermatitis 

• Rehabilitated 28 fearful/antisocial dogs 

• Worked with 56 dogs to correct behaviors such as resource guarding, fence climbing and reactivity 

• Found placement for 5 long-term rescue dogs (here over one year or longer)

• Treated 23 dogs for illnesses such as mange, coccidia and urinary infection

• Taken in 15 dogs with injuries including bites, cuts or broken bones

• Treated 32 dogs with other special needs such as blindness, deafness, or physical therapy from invasive surgery

• Put 23 malnourished dogs on weight gain plans

• Put 15 overweight dogs on weight-loss plans

• Saved 20 dogs on the euthanasia list from surrounding shelters

Adopted Canine Rescues

These numbers are a testament to YOUR impact. Your love and dedication has transformed these dogs into catalysts for change, bringing brighter futures to countless families. This year, your unwavering support and belief in every dog's worth have made all the difference. From the bottoms of our hearts (and wagging tails), thank you! We cannot wait to leap into 2025 for another amazing year of rescuing pups and creating new forever families!


Britt Stautmeister/HLCR Staff and Board of Directors

Highland Lakes Canine Rescue

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Amplify Austin

Amplify Austin is a giving campaign running from January to March during which folks can support local charities of their choice from January to March, ending with the big Amplify Day on March 5-6.

Highland Lakes Canine Rescue is asking adopters, volunteers and local dog lovers to please help us raise funds for the shelter.Your role is simple but impactful. As an HLCR fundraiser, you become a vital link between homeless dogs and the giving that saves their lives.

We Make It Easy: 

1. Send our pre-written email to your contacts

2. Send a pre-written friendly reminder after 2 weeks

3. Send pre-written final outreach on Amplify Day

Your network is powerful - each new connection you make could mean another dog saved. 

Marble Falls, TX

Our amazing fundraisers of 2024 spread the word about dogs like Echo last year. Echo needed surgery to address her severe hip dysplasia. Now, she's healed up and adopted!

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December 2024 Adoptions

Adoption Count: 7

Who: Milo, Zeke, Sweets, Rose, Dorothy, Blanche, Tiana

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Welcome New Volunteers

Jaime Barough

Ava Barough

Olivia Barough

Tony Rose

Sophie Rose

Angie Puccioni

Stephen Watters

Ella Watters

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Volunteer Update

Wow! What a year it has been! We so appreciate all of our volunteers! We couldn't support the pups like we do without them. They do it all...from sitting at a delightful winery showing off our pups on a sunny fall afternoon to sitting at our booth with more pups at Marble Falls Market Day in the rain and what felt like near freezing temps! These events are meant to show off our pups and help find their fur-ever homes. And it works! Many of our pups get adopted after being seen at one of these events. A large number of our new volunteers come from seeing us at the events as well.

We are looking into some more fun things to do in this new year. We are talking to more wineries and breweries about doing events. We still do Tomlinson's in Lakeway and Petsmart in Bee Cave. We hope to be doing Petco in Marble Falls soon as well. We always need more volunteers at all of these events. If you've never done an event before, just sign up as an OBSERVER one time and then you get a free HLCR T-Shirt and can sign up for any future events. Do you know of someplace or event that will be happening that we could possibly take dogs to and let them be seen by lots of people? If you do, let me know and we'll look into it. The more places we go, the more our dogs will be seen and have more chances to be adopted. 

We are looking for one or two volunteers to take over the Care Home Visits in Horseshoe Bay. Currently we go to Brixton Care Home on one Thursday per month from 10:30-11:30 and to Arbor House on one Friday per month from 10:30-11:30. You would be responsible to pick up one dog at the shelter  and take him to the care home where you will meet another volunteer. The residents look forward to us coming every month with a dog. They are also curious when we bring a different dog, hoping the last one got adopted. 

We will be having a refresher training soon about how to recognize and how to deal with an overstimulated dog at events. It doesn't happen often but it can and does happen occasionally. The ability to recognize this can be helpful not only at events but with your own dogs. 

We need one or two volunteers to take home sheets that were donated to us to wash and fold. Call me or email me if you can help with this. You can do it as a one time thing or do it regularly (once per month). 

Please mark your calendars to go out to eat for February 12th from 4-9PM at Double Horn Brewery in Marble Falls. We will be their non-profit of choice for that evening and will be receiving 20% of all restaurant/bar proceeds. It would be great to see as many of you as possible and hopefully enjoy a meal with you. If you can't eat there you can always order & pick it up to go! We hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful holiday season and wish you a Very Happy New Year's 2025!

Want to get involved? 

You can sign up for any of these events listed

above by going to

Search for signups under

Follow us on your favorite apps!

Candid Platinum Transparency

A Non-Profit Organization with 501(c)3 designation.

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 1275 Marble Falls, TX 78654





Facility Location

A 15-acre property near the border of Marble Falls and Spicewood. We are open by appointment only, and directions are provided to families with approved adoption applications. Learn More



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